Doing Well

Release Date : January 25, 2015
Format : Digital Download

Doing Well

“After a lifetime of self-annihilation in function of you man, I’ve taken my life in my hands. No more doing what you want me to do, no more you betraying me, leaving me, coming back. I’ve made up my mind. I’ve left you and living my life as I please… now I’m doing well!”

Another “home made” work this feminist song, the lyrics of which were written by the South African singer of the group Leda De Waure, is an exhortation to all women not to annihilate themselves in function of what their men would like them to be. It’s time to live their lives as they wish. Music by Giuliano Guerrini.

Jgor Pasin, one of the most popular choreographers of couple dance in Europe, liked the song and wrote a choreography on it. He decided to present it at the international dance festival Wild East Fest in Budapest in February 2015.

Country Dance Choreography: “Doing Well” by Jgor Pasin